Thursday, December 1, 2011

To & Through the Window - [final project]

...step back; simply look; look closely. I started looking out the windows of the ‘places’ that interested me. While I still thought about the place (and my draw to it), I began looking more frequently at these transparent glass surfaces that effectively separate a person from the space they are in to the spaces that are beyond (outside, inside, etc). But they were transparent because I made them so. In the effort of looking I began to take long moments looking at and through the glass where ever I was. By focusing on those surfaces I found that the scenes and settings beyond faded away into undecipherable information, no longer needed because I had a new scene, a new place to rest my gaze into. I kind of fell in love with the forms found on the surface of windows - ugly dirt and animal feces transformed into something else, something more sculptural. I used a shallow depth of field to mimic the conventions of our own eyes which cannot focus on anything very far beyond the subject we are gazing at. The result is a permanent image that allows the viewer to see what the space beyond would look like beyond the subject of focus - something our own eyes do not allow....