Thursday, February 9, 2012

IDEA :: Into the final project

I would like to continue exploring an idea about the space that we inhabit everyday. I am not entirely sure still what I am searching for, but I know that this time around I would like to center my images around windows [as barriers from where we exist in one instant, from that space which is outside/on the other side of that plane]. This idea [or rather focus this time around] is stemming from last term when I was so over whelmed with where I was trying to go that I had to give up and simply look. I found transparent windows and I found that they are really not transparent at all.

For this project I want to set up rules to create this body of work :: all images must be taken through a window of some sorts. I want to again get into the habit of just looking and recording. I do want to expand the subject matter beyond that which is stuck to the window however. I want to expand beyond the shallow depth of field I was using previously. I cannot exactly say that which I want to photograph, but I am accumulating ideas about travel, decay, portraits.

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