Thursday, February 2, 2012

Responding to Ritchin [Chapter 4]

Digital photography IS different than analog. There are similarities obviously, but the way in which one creates digital images and the way that viewers read and interact with them on an illuminated screen are far different than the flat physical pieces of print that analog provided. The internet provides imagery and then re-provides and re-provides and re-provides [the same image, or hundreds plus variations of essentially the same one].

All I can think about is the interacting ‘metadata’-like idea/form that Ritchin was purposing for thought. Part of me thinks yes, finally a way to embed a universal form that allows photographers to say everything they want about an image that will follow the image, linked and forever inseparable. No one would ever be able to read it the image wrong right? Wrong. This is a world of digital manipulation. To add a linked form containing all the ’truths’ of an image would invite just as much manipulation as the image does once it is put in the large web of the internet. The idea kind of gives me the same panic as I already feel about placing my photography online - how might it all be used one day (and then get shown as my doing)?

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